Interview with Nisreen Mazzawi the new coordinator of the "Werner Otto" network

Nisreen, you are the new coordinator of the »Werner Otto«-network. In the past, you received a »Werner Otto«-scholarship yourself - could you briefly describe how you pursued your career since than? What are your main research/academic interests right now? 

I receive the Werner Otto scholarship in 2001 during my Master Study for Natural resources and environmental management in Haifa University. The scholarship was both moral and financial important and significant support for me. Since then I have been engaged in civil society organizations in several the areas as Gender, Environment and Human Rights. I lead some important projects as Women Projects in Unrecognized Villages, Palestinian Israeli Network for Peace and more. In 2005 I coordinate the Working Group on the Status of Palestinian Women Citizens of Israel and took part in its delegation to the UN in July 2005. 

Over the years I took part in several international programs while my main aim was promoting environmental approach among the Palestinian Society in Israel. Environmental issues among Palestinians are the last in priorities. Lots of my activities aim to affect this and change it. As Blogger and Independent Lecturer I try mobilize several influential groups and affect their views regard environment and nature. 

In 2009 I returned to the academia this time choosing Anthropology in order to understand describe and analyze the complexity of relationships between the Palestinians as Indigenous minority and the environment in Israel. My main interest is Ecological Practices among Palestinians while my research is focuses on Local Gardens and Urban Ecology in Nazareth. 

Looking back, in what way would you say did the WO-scholarship help/support you? 

Students always have needs that can be answered by money and any amount of money will make it easier for them and can help them to find more time to do what they need to do to go further with their study and career. 

For me, at that time, the scholarship was a major help, it helped me to renew my computer, to fix my car that make it possible to manage the combination between study and part time jobs, and it helped me to pay the tuition fees as my family couldn’t keep supporting me for my graduate study as they were supporting my young brother for his bachelor. 

As young woman studying at a nearby university, I kept living at my family house in Nazareth. In one hand it gave me significant daily support, in the other hand it save form me a house rent and other daily fees. Still I was looking for my autonomy and for that it was critical to be financially independent. 

In general I can’t say the scholarship helped me to fix the car or renew the computer, rather it helped me to go forward meeting my dreams and gaining my autonomy and independency

The drop-out rates of Israeli Arab girls/women are high and the number of Israeli Arab women at institutions of higher education is low. Even at Haifa University, a high amount of female Arab students give up their studies already in their first year of study. What would you say, from personal experience, are the main reasons for that, at Haifa University or in general? What needs to be done in order to make a change here?

As a teacher assistant at the department of sociology and anthropology in Haifa University I got the chance and the opportunity to interact and engage with young students particularly Arab young women. From my short experience in the last two years, I got to better understand and reflect on my very own experience when I first joined university. Arab students in their first year at the university are challenged with new language, new culture and new system. These challenges impact their social integration in the new academic life including student life and community. This “cultural shock” turn to be a significant obstacle and disadvantage in their mobility within the academic system and the academic community in general. Add to that, in general Arab student need to work double or even more to cover the gap between them and other students due to the backwardness of the educational system they graduate from. 

The Arab students live the poverty of their families and their society. In general Arab students hardly can find financial support that help them finish their study. Lots of them are dependent financially on their families that support them during their first years. The majority of them need to work and save money for to finance their study. However as young non professional workers, Arab students find it challenging to find work that can suit them, as the majority of this kind of works request military service as base condition. 

Transportation is a major obstacle especially for Arab young women. Most of the Palestinian living area lacks available public transportation. Few of the Arab students have a place in the student’s dorms, others share renting apartments nearby the university, however, the majority need to travel daily all the way to the university and back home. Some privileged can make it by private cars usually students in their graduate studies, but the majority are non privileged and have no choice but to take public transportations which is usually not easily available or accessible in Arab villages and towns. 

Future work opportunities have a big rule on the motivation of Arab students. An internal Joke say that “Doesn’t matter what you study you will end by as a teacher”. Unfortunately this joke reflects the reality of Arab students. As any student in the world Arab students choose their study looking for their future opportunities and future career. Few of them will reach their passions, while the majority will be trapped by limited future opportunities which limit them to engage the way they wish to

Female Arab citizens in Israel face discrimination based on both their sex and their nationality. They face discrimination in all aspects of life, including education, employment, political participation or health. What would you say, how high is the awareness factor for this sort of discrimination within the Israeli population? 

Unfortunately the awareness regard the multi layers discriminations face the Arab women both as female in patriarchal society and as member of discriminated minority In Israel is very little. In general, the Israeli society ignores this fact, and if at all it gains some attention it will lake deep understanding and will end up blaming women and the Arab society for it. 

Patriarchy and Racism work together and feed into each other. As there is more patriarchy, there is more racism, more stereotypes and prejudices and vice versa. Arab females work hard to mobilize themselves in environment full of prejudice and patriarchy, and they can hardly make it. Lots of them see the obstacles at the beginning of the road and decide not step out for it. Those who do face the challenges are unique and there is need for support to encourage more and more of them to go forward and reach their aims. 

Are there developments – within the state of Israel, the population or maybe the University – that raise your hope that all citizens will be treated equally in the state of Israel one day? 

We should never lose hope. During the last two summers a voice of social protest heard on the Israeli society. Till now this protest exclusively focuses on the economical situation inside the Israeli-Jewish society and didn’t give any attention neither to the social economical situation for the Palestinian minority within Israel nor to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and it’s affect on the economical situation. 

In my opinion, The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a huge obstacle in front of any change in the attitude of Israeli-Jewish to the Palestinian citizens. Unfortunately for now I don’t see any possible solution on the ground. To solve a conflict all parties have to want and desire a solution. Unfortunately this is not the situation in Israel and the Israeli summer social protest do not deal with this or even give any clue on it. Even though I hope that the coming election will bring a new leadership with inclusive vision that can lead all of us to better place. 

What was your main motivation to take the challenge and coordinate the WO-network? What are your goals, what would you like to achieve within the framework of the network together with the (current and past) WO-scholars? 

My own personal motivation to take this challenging role on me comes from my own experience. I can’t forget the excitement I got when I first know about this unique talented skilled group of women. The first thought I had when I first hold the list of scholars was that I’m holding a treasure and should not ever leave it even for a second. 

The main experience for graduate student is loneliness, and it enhance when it come to Palestinian women. Due to historical circumstances the majority of the graduate women in the current generation are the first in their families and communities who go further with academic career. This means that while these women lack role models, they are themselves a role model for others.

Being the first generation going further with academic career mean that they lack as well the social network that support mobility. Networking, Sharing Information, Supporting each other, raising awareness regards the unique challenges we face as Palestinian academic women, should support and increase advancement and mobility for each of us.


For the coming year I would like to lay the base for the Network and see it working and function in sustainable way that have the adjustment to keep working for the coming years. I would like to increase the visibility of academic Palestinian women in the communities and at the local media. To highlight researches done by Palestinian women. To establish working groups according to needs. And to work within the community to encourage and empower other young women to go further and meet their academic goals they desire for. 

رسالة من غزة...

Letters from Gaza

By: Majeda Al Saqa 

16 November 2012

Dear C,

I don't know what to tell you and how to describe things in Gaza.

I don't know if it's war or what they call a “military operation,” if it's for a long or a short period of time. It’s different from the first war but similar to the first war:

The Israeli strike Gaza Strip almost every hour ... each strike is an exercise in memory that brings back moments of the previous attacks... in 2008 or after or even before. At the end of each air strike, it's the same shit: birds flying away looking for rescue, children crying, mothers looking for their sons and daughters, phone calls and messages in and out, and then there’s the collective discussion and each one talking about how they felt and what they did, jokes about who jumped and who ran and who cried. And the justifications that are even funnier some times.

But we are different today.

You know, I don’t watch the news. I watch the streetsand live with the people there, they are my news and they are who I care about. Did I tell you that I have two small kittens that I adopted two month ago? They also make the atmosphere different...
The kids are four years older now. Wael, my nephew, is more scared than he was in the first war. When I asked him a few months ago if he remembered anything from the last war, he said “no.” But last night he reminded me how he used to come down and sleep next to me the last war; last night he wanted to come and sleep next to me like before.

My niece Deema is 14 now. When she was 10 she didn't cope well with the war... with time she managed to overcome her fear. Last night she was so scared she couldn’t walk and she had to sleep next to her parents again ...

We have a new kid now, Yazan. He’s 4 years old. He knows more than his brothers... He lived the Arab Spring, so he knows Mursi and talks with an Egyptian accent sometimes. He told me today that Mursi was in Gaza to protect us...

During the first war I was not on facebook,

This war I’m on facebook, lots of Egyptian friends. .. I don’t know why I’m comparing the first war and now and don't know why I keep mentioning Egypt ...Unfortunately... some of the revolutionaries in Egypt expressed their fear of supporting Gaza because they think it will be misunderstood as supporting Hamas and that would be misunderstood as supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. I told them on facebook: you were fighting not to mix religion with politics, so don’t mix politics with humanity.

I don't know if I’ve managed to tell you all that’s in my head.

17 November 2012

Good morning,

The weather is very weird today... it's warm and cold at the same time... I didn’t sleep well last night -- not because of the air strike over Khan Younis but because the kids decided to stay over... It was nice and cozy but uncomfortable as we were all sleeping in the same bed and they move a lot... every time they heard the air strikes, they would wake up.

I am worried that my coffee will finish. I don't drink Arabic coffee in the morning; this is not a luxury or me being spoiled. I just need an espresso with tones of caffeine to clear my head.

The schools are closed in the Gaza Strip. I don't think there is a moment or a place that we could call safe in Gaza; the uncertainty and the unknown is what controls life here. I don't think there is any routine in Gaza. If there is a routine it means there is stability right? But I try to create a routine in a way... to wake up, check on my mother and sisters, the kids, the cats ... all at the same time,no categorizinghere ... I try to make it a routine not to listen to the news.

In war, I find that the community becomes one family. .. We become closer and more loving ...everyone shares everything: information, food, water, whatever is needed. Gaza in general and in normal days is like that. But if we are not in war, we call it sneaky, nosiness and maybe curiosity...

Seriously, I don't want you to worry ... I want you to come :)

18 November 2012

Sleepless night... there was bombing everywhere in Gaza.
They’re targeting houses.
You ask me about Hamas... I don't know how people feel about Hamas but to me Hamas is the black and white, the death and the hope, Hamas is one thing and its opposite at the same time...

To me, Hamas is not a movement or an organization. It exists within my culture and my neighborhood, the doctor, the electricity man, the teacher. They are not static. They are humans. But the media made them who they are to lots of people now: just terrorists. I disagree with Hamas about so many things but I agree with them about so many things.

I have been who I want to be in Khan Younis since Hamas came to power. From the first day I was out in the streets, without veil, with short hair. It was not easy in the beginning... but I claimed my rights and I got them.

To me they are a right wing movement that we need to argue with in order to maintain and protect our rights.

How can they target a house?
Sleepless night.

But how can they TARGET a house. 4 children were killed last night.

How on earth is this self-defense?

19 November 2012

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. I have no idea what time it is.

We had another sleepless night. An air strike destroyed, a new house in Khan Younis; the kids woke up ill. Yazan and Majed are feeling dizzy, vomiting, they don't want to talk. Arslan and Wael are too hyper and speak too loud. We had to call doctor because Yazan’s vomiting was non-stop.

Wael was asking me: “If I recite the Quran and certain dou'a and ayah from the Quran, the rocket might hit me but I will not die, right? I will just have some blood on my face.”

You were asking me if they understand what’s going on. You know: I don't let them watch the news. If they ask, we answer -- but they don't see images.

Majed was saying: “If they see that we have a new wall, and a beautiful garden and a nice door, they might not hit the house.”

They play, but all they play are war-related games.

They keep asking me: “Who is stronger? Us or them?”

They keep asking me the most horrible question -- why I'm not fighting back. They think I have the power to challenge everything and I am the one who will solve the world’s problems for them...

The kids know that some of the people they know were injured or killed during the air strikes: Ahmed, a taxi driver, who they know because we use a taxi to send the kids to school when the bus doesn’t arrive.Then there’s Hussam, a young boy who was killed who is the son of a woman from our neighborhood, and who I’ve known since I was very young. Did I tell you that I was very young once? And then there is my colleague Murad and his sons and daughters, who I visit with the kids occasionally. They heard me talking to Murad checking on his sister who was hit by a shell -- not sure from a tank or an air strike -- while she was in the garden of her home trying to go to the mud oven to bake bread.

I guess that the kids make the association that if you go to bake, or take a taxi... or go to the mosque, then you are most likely to be killed ... don't you think?

20 November 2012

As the ceasefireis announced and confirmed in the news, I’ve become very anxious about the coming few hours, before the targeted time 00:00, today.

My experience of the last hours before ceasefires is always bloody, the question now becomes personal... will my family survive this. ..
or are we going to be one of the unlucky ones...
will we be added to the 119, 120, 121...
unidentified humans in the eyes of the world and the machine guns...

I don’t want to think like this so I go and tell Arslan, my nephew, a ceasefire is signed... this mess is ending in a few hours ..
Arslan quietly asks me, while looking at the palmof his hand as if he’s reading his future, "Who won?"
I am shocked by his question: "Who won what?"
“This war --who won, who announced the cease fire? US OR THEM?”
Oh my god. I have been fooling myself thinking they don't understand what’s going on...

Then he looks me in the eye and asks,"What's next?"
This is a very good question.
I can escape with him from our reality.
"Next is going to the beach and going to Sharm Park."
I’ve been feeling so guilty about not taking them to Sharm Park during their days off a few weeks ago.
I continue, "Next is fun ... it might be raining soon, and we will go back to the sea and take photos."

23 November 2012

I feel it's so unfair not to update you on the situation in Gaza... Yes, there’s a ceasefire, and some are celebrating in the streets, but many more are still bleeding, waiting forpermission to go to Egypt or Jerusalem to get the right treatment.... like my colleague, who was running from one hospital to another trying to get a referral for his sister – the one I told you about who was targeted while walking through her garden to the mud oven to make bread for her family.

Children were taken from under the rubble today -- one whole family, Al Dalu family.

Driving through Gaza’s streets today, I saw this child on the second floor of a building. He was watching people in the streets celebrate the victory through a window made wider by a rocket. He would look at the streets for a few seconds and then turnhis headto look back at someone -- maybe his brother -- who was cleaning the room of all the stones and broken windows. I was in the car looking up at him, feeling I wanted to go and give him a hug. But the loudspeakers celebrating behind my car and the mass ofcar horns pushed me meter by meter away from him and his street. But he’s rootedin my heart now -- one added love,one more meter of pain to   carry with me.

I saw sad, devastated humans preparing for funerals, others trying to fix or reclaimwhat's left of their homes.

I saw the absence of an apartment building, on the third floor the ghost of an apartment which looked so much like it belonged to a newlywed couple. But just one wall was standing. It wasdecorated with what looked to me like a panoramic image of Jerusalem and Al Aqsa. I can't take the idea that privacy is invaded by “targeting” rockets. A room that was maybe prepared for the honeymoon of two humans left, so public....not just the rooms  invaded, but all those very private belongings nowmaking the rubble I pass by in these targeted places and the smoke  still rising...The eyes of children broke my heart... Resistance and resilience is what I saw. Victory, I did not see,I only heard about it on the loudspeakers..

I have no way to  express my feelings or what I saw today in the streets of the Gaza Strip, in the pharmacy, the bakery, the supermarket. And when I met with my friends. My friend was hunting for a Palestinian flag with both Fateh and Hamas all together, in the hope that this photo might put some pressure for unity.

In the end, what amazed me, what somehow gave me a sense of strength and hope,were the trees in the targeted areas. There they were -- standing up and green... I’m not sure if it's because trees die while standing up or because it’s their way of telling us to overcome and look for tomorrow.
Whatever their reason might be, both are lodged in my heart...

I will not upload photos any more, nor am I going to write...
because photos and words...
how hard they are and whatever dimension they have or take, they are far from reality. 

الإنتخابات والأحزاب العربية

الأحزاب العربية كأحزاب يسارية والناخب اليساري

بشكل عام الأصوات التي تحسم الأنتخابات هي الأصوات الطافية، الأصوات التي لم يقرر أصحابها مصيرها بعد. وعادة ما تكون هذة الأصوات حصة اليسار من الأصوات ان ترنحت يمينا او أمتنعت عن المشاركة خسر اليسار الأنتخابات وان شاركات زادت من أحتمالات نجاحه. ان الأبحاث التي تقارن نهج اليسار الليبرالي مع اليمين المحافظ تجد ان اليمين المحافظ قلما ترنحت أصواته وعادة يحافظ اليمينيون على سلوكيات نمطية تقليدية، أجتماعيا أقتصاديا وسياسيا، في الحياة اليومية كما في صندوق الاقتراع. من هنا فأن عملية حسم الانتخابات تتعلق باليسار المترنح وبرفع نسبة المشاركة بالانتخابات عامة فكلما أزداد عدد المشاركين بالأنتخابات كلما أزدادت نسبة اليساريين في صناديق الأقتراع.

الناشطين في الأحزاب اليسارية يبذلو جهد كبير قبل الإنتخابات لحث الناخبين على المشاركة في عملية الأقتراع، لكن قد يسهو هؤلاء الناشطين، بالاخص محليا، عن ان ما يدفع الناخب اليساري للمشاركة بالأنتخابات هو أنتمائه الفكري وليس أنتمائه الجماعي الطائفي او العائلي او القومي.

الأحزاب العربية المشاركة في الأنتخابات للبرلمان الأسرائيلي تقع صدفة على يسار الخارطة السياسية، والتمعن في نهج هذة الاحزاب وتطلعاتها يدل على يمينية فكرية ربما أسؤ من يمينية الأحزاب الصهيونية. فها هو اليسار العلماني يخلق مقدسات جديدة، "الفكر اليساري المقدس"، ولا يقف امامه اي رادع ليحول بينه وبين أستعمال اي من الطرق الدكتاتورية والقمعية لفرض هذا "الفكر اليساري" على "المواطن الساذج"، الذي لا يفهم بالقومية ولا بالوطنية ولا باليسارية. بل وتفرض عليه هذة الأحزاب اليسارية وصايتها لأنه مواطن قاصر، عاجز عن فهم الواقع، وعاجز عن رؤية حقيقة الأمور فهو لا يلبس نظارات يسارية، وبهذا فهو عاجز عن التفكير المنطقي، لانه وبكلمات أخرى "مواطن غبي" كما تراه هذة الأحزاب الأبوية. واذ لم تسعفها الدكتاتورية والقمعية لن تترد هذة الاحزاب بتبني نهج اليمين من ارهاب وترهيب للناخب حيث يتم الترهيب من الأخر ومن المستقبل الدامس الذي ينتظر الناخب والمجتمع إن لم تصل هذة الاحزاب الى البرلمان.

من هنا فيمكن القول انه يسار الاحزاب العربية فقدت البوصلة ومن زمان.
فهل ينتخب الناخب اليساري قيادة سياسية يمينة متخفية في لباس اليسار؟!
هل ينتخب اليساري لأنه عربي فينتخب العرب ام ينتخب مع ما هو في مصلحة المجتمع؟! هل الأحزاب العربية اليوم تخدم مصلحة المجتمع الذي تعيش فيه وهل هي قادرة على قيادة هذا المجتمع الى مكان أفضل؟! وحيال موقف هذة الاحزاب والثورة السورية يصح التساؤل كيف ستقوم هذة الأحزاب بالتعامل مع أنشقاق سياسي في المجتمع العربي؟! هل تستطيع هذة الأحزاب بقياداتها السياسية اليوم التعالي على الانشقاقات الداخلية وتوحيد الناس وجمعها بمراضاة الخواطر وتهدئة النفوس ام ستقوم هذة القيادات اليسارية المنتخبة بسفك دماء المعارضين والحذو على خطى بشار؟!!

الأحزاب العربية اليوم لا تريدك ان تكون يساري، كل ما تريده منك هو صوتك في صندوق الاقتراع. لا تفكر ولا تحسبها كل المطلوب منك هو ان تسير بشكل أعمى خلف "الفكر اليساري المقدس" وخلف أنبيائه وخلفائه وان حالفك الحظ بتكون خليفة بيوم من الأيام، وبتقعد بالكنيست وبتتربع وبتهز باجريك للانتخابات الجاي.

ان كنت يساري ما تصوت لأحزاب يمينية تتخفى تحت غطاء اليسار.
ان كنت يساري فكر بمجتمعك فكر بانه أكثر من كرسي بالبرلمان المجتمع بحاجة لقيادة واعية وحكيمة.
ان كنت يساري ما تطلع على هذة الانتخابات كانتخابات للكنيست، يعني خمس كراسي ولا ست كراسي ولا سبعة شو أفرقت؟
ان كنت يساري فكر انه بالوقت الحاضر ما في عندك غير هالمنظومة حتى تختار من خلالها قيادة، واذا لم تجد من القيادة ما يرضيك ويتلائم مع فكرك مش مجبور تختار. ما تختار حزب يعمل فيك الهوايل ويقول انا منتخب من قبل الناس. ما تختار حزب بعتمد على الترهيب والتخويف بأسم المؤامرات وبعطي يد للعتمة وللضبابية ولتجهيل الناس.
ان كنت يساري وقف وقول مش هاد هو اليسار.

الأحزاب العربية والأنتخابات


الأحزاب العربية ترى الأنتخابات كحدث في نقطة زمنية محددة تحشد فيها كوادرها وتحشد فيها الشارع العربي، لا أكثر ولا اقل. يحثوا المواطن خلال هذة الفترة على المشاركة بالأنتخابات لانه حسب أدعائاتهم وصولهن للكنيست مهم لأنه يمنع تشريع قوانين عنصرية. اه شفنا كثير قديش منع.

وصول الاحزاب العربية للكنيست اليوم ليس له اي قيمة او نتيجة سوى المنصة التي تعطى لمندوبي هذة الاحزاب وهم اصلا في غنى عنها فلهم من المنصات الكثيرة القادرة على توصيل الصوت الحقيقي للجماهير العربية بشكل افضل.

وهي نتفة هالمعاشات اللي بتنزاد على ميزانية الحزب وبتغاوشو عليها مين بدو يفوز فيها وكيف بدهن يوزعوها ويقسموها مين النص الاول ومين النص التاني ومين ثلث ومين ربع ومين يا دوب نتشة صغيرة وما طال. غير هيك ما جايبة هالانتخابات لا نتيجة ولا فايدة. والأحزاب لسا الها دور كثير مهم في حياة المجتمع الفلسطيني بالداخل، لكن ما في فائدة من وجودها بالكنيست. 

ليش لازم عن طريق الكنيست؟ ممكن بطرق أخرى مختلفة وممكن نجاعتها وتأثيرها على حياة الناس يكون كثير أكثر من هالكنيست اللي مش جايب همه وكلهن بركضو وراه.

اذا بتفكر انه لازم تتغير قوانين اللعبة، الأحزاب العربية ما راح تغير بمبادرتها الذاتية لانها مبسوطة بالمحل اللي هي فيه. تعودت كل حزب ثلاث كراسي وان أربعة بكون نجاح عظيم. افرض انت التغيير اللي بدك اياه طلع الاحزاب العربية من اللعبة وخليهن ينجبرو يدورو على حل جديد.

لانه اكيد ان خسرو مش راح يروحو على البيت ويقعدو ويحطو اجر على اجر، لاء، اكيد راح يتحركوا أكثر عشان يلاقو طريقة تانية \ منظومة تانية وحل جديد.

فش اهون منها، ورقة بيضاء. لا انت مصوت لحزب صهيوني، ولا انت مقاطع للدولة، ولا انت مواطن كسلان ما رحتش على الانتخابات. انت بس بتجبر العرب يدورو على حل تاني. اما اذا بدك تقاطع الدولة انت حر بتقدر ما تصوت ابدا.

بقولوك هيك بتعطيها هدية لأحزاب اليمين المتطرف، وبتخطي اول خطوة نحو الترانسفير.
ويعني ليش تقول وجودنا بالبرلمان راح يمنعه لهالترانسفر!!!

صوتك بالأنتخابات هو تكتيك سياسي لانجع طريقة بتشوفها لتستعمل فيها هالقوة الصغيرة الموجودة بصوتك.

ممكن هالفترة تسمع انه الأحزاب العربية بدها تتوحد وممكن بعض الاحزاب تستعمل ورقة النساء حتى تجذب الاصوات لكن اكيد هالمرة حتى لو توحدوا وحتى لو حطو عشر نساء خلص فرطت اللعبة. واكيد راح يحطو لانه الغرقان بتعلق بقشة، بس خلص بكفي بدنا ملعب تاني طابة تانية ولعبة مختلفة.

وهاي لسا ما حكينا انه كوادر الأحزاب هاي منقسمة على حالها ومش عارفة تقرر هل هي مع الأنظمة الدكتاتورية ومصالحها السياسية في المنطقة وهل بتشوف انه القمع والبطش والقتل والسفك هي وسائل شرعية للوصول الى اهدافها وللمحافظة على معادلة سياسية معينة في المنطقة ولا هي بتشوف حرية واستقلاية الشعوب المنبثقة عن حرية واستقلالية افرادها كمبداء فوق كل شيء. لاء بقولوك: اذا هدول مع اميركا اذبحهن. لكان بكرا شو بدهن يعملوا فينا؟!

وما بحكي عن السنة الاخيرة اللي تحولت فيها الثورة الى ثورة مسلحة مدعومة من انظمة لها مصالح مختلفة، انما بحكي عن الثورة في بدايتها لما كان لسا ممكن تدارك الوضع فيها، النظام اختار البطش بالناس ونص كوادر هالأحزاب ما شاءالله وقفت مع النظام.

خياراتك في الانتخابات القادمة


اولا واضح اني بحكي عن ايجاد منظومة سياسية مختلفة عن المنظومة اللي حاصرين حالنا فيها اليوم، في كان اقتراحات عينية بديش اخوض بأي منها هون بس في عنا امكانية لحث القيادة والناس اللي عندها طموحات سياسية وقيادية انها تجتهد في هاد المجال وتجدد وتوّجد بدائل.

ثانيا الاستياء هو مش بس من الأحزاب السياسية العربية انما من تحييد قدرتنا على التأثير من خلال النظام البرلماني. يعني في الامور اللي بتهمنا وبدنا نأثر فيها بتم رفع نسبة الحسم الى 70-80% وهيك عمليا بتم تحييدنا. فالأستياء هو كمان من الأحزاب العربية وكمان من النظام.

والسؤال هو شو منعمل حيال الأستياء من النظام وهون في عندك عدة خيارات كل واحد منها اله تفسيراته المختلفة التي سوف تُأول فيما بعد من قبل الأعلام والسياسيين ولازم كل واحد فينا يفكر شو هو الخيار تبعه وكيف راح يُستغل\يُفسر بالشكل اللي بتلائم اكثر مع موقفه واهدافه.

الخيار الأول: ما تشارك ابدا في الأنتخابات - ما تطلع من بيتك او تطلع وتروح مشوار - هون ممكن يفسر كأنك انت معارض للدولة (على نمط احزاب اخرى تمتنع دائما عن المشاركة بالانتخابات) او انك مواطن كسلان ومش واعي لدورك ول"مسؤلياتك" كمواطن ومش مفرقة معك. على اي من التفسيرين راح تُعد عدم مشاركة العرب بالأنتخابات يعتمد على اللي بفسر وبأي صورة بحب ان يُظهرنا، ممكن نِظهر كمجرد ناس خاملين او كناس رافضين الدولة من أساسها. وما الك سيطرة على الشكل اللي راح يعرضوك فيه، كل واحد راح يفسرك على كيفه.

الخيار التاني: انك تروح تصوت وتصوت يسار صهيوني او يمين صهيوني - زي ما كثير ناس بتعمل حسب وين بتصب مصالحها الشخصية\الفئوية ومش مفرقة معها. واللطف الأمريين هو طبعا اليسار الصهيوني رغم كونه ابدا مش لطيف.

الخيار الثالث: انك ترد على الأحزاب وتروح تصوتلهن زي ما دايما منروح منصوتلهن لانه بخوفونا واذا ما صوتنالهن ايشي كثير فظيع راح يصير. وطبعا جزء من هاد الخيار راح تسمع الأحزاب بتحكي عن ائتلافات وفكرة الحزب الواحد ومقاعد سوف تخصص للنساء والنسويات راح يتناقشو كمان مرة بموضوع الكوتا (تخصيص مقاعد لفئة معينة من الناس) كانه ما في عنا كوتا طائفية والخ الخ الخ وكل الدواوين هاي اللي حافظينها وبالأخر منطلع ننتخب وبترجع المياه الى مجاريها وبرجع كل واحد على بيته المطفوس مطفوس والمبسوط وفرحان مبسوط وفرحان، وزقف زقف، وتيتي تيتي مثل ما رحتي مثل ما اجيتي.

الخيار الرابع: هو انك تروح وتصوت ورقة بيضاء - عمليا بالورقة البيضاء انت بتنفي كونك مواطن خامل، وبتنفي كونك رافض للمشاركة السياسية في الدولة من اساسها وبتعلن عدم ثقتك بأي من الأحزاب الموجودة العربية وغيرها. الورقة البيضاء بتضر كثير بالأحزاب الصغيرة لانها بتنحسب بالقاعدة اللي بتنحسب منها نسبة الاصوات بس لا تعد ولا على اي حزب. فعمليا أختيارك للورقة البيضاء بأثر سلبيا على الاحزاب العربية مرتين، المرة الاولى بانهن ما اخدو صوتك والمرة التانية انه نسبتهم من الأصوات راح تقل نسبة الى قاعدة اكبر من المصوتين، وهيك عمليا احتمالات نجاحهن بتقل كثير.

انا اتوقع انه خيار الورقة البيضاء راح يأدي الى خروج الاحزاب العربية قصريا من اللعبة السياسية (كخيار شعبي للناس) وراح يحتم عليهم التفكير في طروحات جديدة ما اخدوها بجدية لحد اليوم وهاد راح يخلق اجواء سياسية مختلفة تماما عن الاجواء اللي تعودنا عليها وراح يمكن يخلق ايشي جديد يتلائم مع روح الفترة وتطلعاتنا كشباب وكمجتمع.

وللنهاية، الأمر الأهم من نجاح او فشل الأحزاب العربية بهاي الأنتخابات هو موقف اليسار الأسرائيلي\اليسار الصهيوني. اذا اليسار الأسرائيلي الصهينوني بعد سنتين من ما يسمى ب "الأحتجاح الاجتماعي" بالشارع الأسرائيلي ما نجح بالأنتخابات معناه راحت علينا، عيدّت. وفي كل الحالات هاد لا بتعلق لا فيك ولا فيي ولا في وجود الأحزاب العربية او عدم وجودها بالبرلمان.

فاما بتصوت ورقة بيضاء أو بتصوت يسار صهيوني أو ما بتصوت شيلي أو بتطلع وبتصوت للأحزاب العربية لانه هياه السلام واقف علىى الأبواب بس لو نمسك فيه احنا وبعد ما تصوت بتفاؤل بترجع ثاني يوم بتستاء وبتقوم اليوم اللي بعده مستاء وبتضلك مستاء لحد ما تيجي الأنتخابات الجاي.

اما بالنسبة للبدائل والطروحات الجديدة التي لم تناقش بجدية - فمنها اقامة نظام تمثيلي عربي موازي للبرلمان الأسرائيلي وطبعا يتوجب مناقشة الفكرة للعمق ومناقشة علاقة هذا النظام مع مؤسسات الدولة ومع البرلمان وغيرها وغيراتها... لكن هذة الأقتراحات منتركها للي دارسيين علوم سياسية خليهن يجونا بأقتراحات عينية نختار منها الخيار الأفضل والأنسب لحاجيات هالبشر وطموحاته.