Nisreen, you are the new coordinator of the »Werner Otto«-network. In the past, you
received a »Werner Otto«-scholarship yourself - could you briefly describe how you pursued
your career since than? What are your main research/academic interests right now?
I receive the Werner Otto scholarship in 2001 during my Master Study for Natural resources and environmental management in Haifa University. The scholarship was both moral and financial important and significant support for me. Since then I have been engaged in civil society organizations in several the areas as Gender, Environment and Human Rights. I lead some important projects as Women Projects in Unrecognized Villages, Palestinian Israeli Network for Peace and more. In 2005 I coordinate the Working Group on the Status of Palestinian Women Citizens of Israel and took part in its delegation to the UN in July 2005.
I receive the Werner Otto scholarship in 2001 during my Master Study for Natural resources and environmental management in Haifa University. The scholarship was both moral and financial important and significant support for me. Since then I have been engaged in civil society organizations in several the areas as Gender, Environment and Human Rights. I lead some important projects as Women Projects in Unrecognized Villages, Palestinian Israeli Network for Peace and more. In 2005 I coordinate the Working Group on the Status of Palestinian Women Citizens of Israel and took part in its delegation to the UN in July 2005.
Over the years I took part in several international programs while my main aim was
promoting environmental approach among the Palestinian Society in Israel. Environmental
issues among Palestinians are the last in priorities. Lots of my activities aim to affect this and
change it. As Blogger and Independent Lecturer I try mobilize several influential groups and
affect their views regard environment and nature.
In 2009 I returned to the academia this time choosing Anthropology in order to understand
describe and analyze the complexity of relationships between the Palestinians as Indigenous
minority and the environment in Israel. My main interest is Ecological Practices among
Palestinians while my research is focuses on Local Gardens and Urban Ecology in Nazareth.
Looking back, in what way would you say did the WO-scholarship help/support you?
Students always have needs that can be answered by money and any amount of money will
make it easier for them and can help them to find more time to do what they need to do to
go further with their study and career.
For me, at that time, the scholarship was a major help, it helped me to renew my computer,
to fix my car that make it possible to manage the combination between study and part time
jobs, and it helped me to pay the tuition fees as my family couldn’t keep supporting me for
my graduate study as they were supporting my young brother for his bachelor.
As young woman studying at a nearby university, I kept living at my family house in
Nazareth. In one hand it gave me significant daily support, in the other hand it save form me
a house rent and other daily fees. Still I was looking for my autonomy and for that it was
critical to be financially independent.
In general I can’t say the scholarship helped me to fix the car or renew the computer, rather
it helped me to go forward meeting my dreams and gaining my autonomy and
The drop-out rates of Israeli Arab girls/women are high and the number of Israeli Arab
women at institutions of higher education is low. Even at Haifa University, a high amount of
female Arab students give up their studies already in their first year of study. What would
you say, from personal experience, are the main reasons for that, at Haifa University or in
general? What needs to be done in order to make a change here?
As a teacher assistant at the department of sociology and anthropology in Haifa University I
got the chance and the opportunity to interact and engage with young students particularly
Arab young women. From my short experience in the last two years, I got to better
understand and reflect on my very own experience when I first joined university. Arab
students in their first year at the university are challenged with new language, new culture
and new system. These challenges impact their social integration in the new academic life
including student life and community. This “cultural shock” turn to be a significant obstacle
and disadvantage in their mobility within the academic system and the academic community
in general. Add to that, in general Arab student need to work double or even more to cover
the gap between them and other students due to the backwardness of the educational
system they graduate from.
The Arab students live the poverty of their families and their society. In general Arab
students hardly can find financial support that help them finish their study. Lots of them are
dependent financially on their families that support them during their first years. The
majority of them need to work and save money for to finance their study. However as young
non professional workers, Arab students find it challenging to find work that can suit them,
as the majority of this kind of works request military service as base condition.
Transportation is a major obstacle especially for Arab young women. Most of the Palestinian
living area lacks available public transportation. Few of the Arab students have a place in the
student’s dorms, others share renting apartments nearby the university, however, the
majority need to travel daily all the way to the university and back home. Some privileged
can make it by private cars usually students in their graduate studies, but the majority are
non privileged and have no choice but to take public transportations which is usually not
easily available or accessible in Arab villages and towns.
Future work opportunities have a big rule on the motivation of Arab students. An internal
Joke say that “Doesn’t matter what you study you will end by as a teacher”. Unfortunately
this joke reflects the reality of Arab students. As any student in the world Arab students
choose their study looking for their future opportunities and future career. Few of them will
reach their passions, while the majority will be trapped by limited future opportunities which
limit them to engage the way they wish to.
Female Arab citizens in Israel face discrimination based on both their sex and their
nationality. They face discrimination in all aspects of life, including education, employment,
political participation or health. What would you say, how high is the awareness factor for
this sort of discrimination within the Israeli population?
Unfortunately the awareness regard the multi layers discriminations face the Arab women
both as female in patriarchal society and as member of discriminated minority In Israel is
very little. In general, the Israeli society ignores this fact, and if at all it gains some attention
it will lake deep understanding and will end up blaming women and the Arab society for it.
Patriarchy and Racism work together and feed into each other. As there is more patriarchy,
there is more racism, more stereotypes and prejudices and vice versa. Arab females work
hard to mobilize themselves in environment full of prejudice and patriarchy, and they can
hardly make it. Lots of them see the obstacles at the beginning of the road and decide not
step out for it. Those who do face the challenges are unique and there is need for support to
encourage more and more of them to go forward and reach their aims.
Are there developments – within the state of Israel, the population or maybe the University
– that raise your hope that all citizens will be treated equally in the state of Israel one day?
We should never lose hope. During the last two summers a voice of social protest heard on
the Israeli society. Till now this protest exclusively focuses on the economical situation inside
the Israeli-Jewish society and didn’t give any attention neither to the social economical
situation for the Palestinian minority within Israel nor to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
it’s affect on the economical situation.
In my opinion, The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a huge obstacle in front of any change in the
attitude of Israeli-Jewish to the Palestinian citizens. Unfortunately for now I don’t see any
possible solution on the ground. To solve a conflict all parties have to want and desire a
solution. Unfortunately this is not the situation in Israel and the Israeli summer social protest
do not deal with this or even give any clue on it. Even though I hope that the coming election
will bring a new leadership with inclusive vision that can lead all of us to better place.
What was your main motivation to take the challenge and coordinate the WO-network? What are your goals, what would you like to achieve within the framework of the network
together with the (current and past) WO-scholars?
My own personal motivation to take this challenging role on me comes from my own experience. I can’t forget the excitement I got when I first know about this unique talented skilled group of women. The first thought I had when I first hold the list of scholars was that I’m holding a treasure and should not ever leave it even for a second.
The main experience for graduate student is loneliness, and it enhance when it come to
Palestinian women. Due to historical circumstances the majority of the graduate women in
the current generation are the first in their families and communities who go further with
academic career. This means that while these women lack role models, they are themselves
a role model for others.
Being the first generation going further with academic career mean that they lack as well the social network that support mobility. Networking, Sharing Information, Supporting each other, raising awareness regards the unique challenges we face as Palestinian academic women, should support and increase advancement and mobility for each of us.
For the coming year I would like to lay the base for the Network and see it working and function in sustainable way that have the adjustment to keep working for the coming years. I would like to increase the visibility of academic Palestinian women in the communities and at the local media. To highlight researches done by Palestinian women. To establish working groups according to needs. And to work within the community to encourage and empower other young women to go further and meet their academic goals they desire for.
Being the first generation going further with academic career mean that they lack as well the social network that support mobility. Networking, Sharing Information, Supporting each other, raising awareness regards the unique challenges we face as Palestinian academic women, should support and increase advancement and mobility for each of us.
For the coming year I would like to lay the base for the Network and see it working and function in sustainable way that have the adjustment to keep working for the coming years. I would like to increase the visibility of academic Palestinian women in the communities and at the local media. To highlight researches done by Palestinian women. To establish working groups according to needs. And to work within the community to encourage and empower other young women to go further and meet their academic goals they desire for.